
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2010

Picture of me

This is a picture of me painted by " Gilang Pandeka " . He described me as being tangled , numerous affairs , and sometimes difficult to predict . Gilang Pandeka is an artist , friend , brother ( though sometimes often frustrating ) , and teachers . As an artist , he provides unique works , and have character . He paints in accordance with what was described by his mind , not by his eyes . So the paintings are original . The colors , the pull of the line , and the idea is brilliant . As a friend , he was very concerned friend . He always reminds me to do good things . To go back to college , pursue , and so forth . As a brother , he showed that being older is a difficult thing ( I was the last brother in my family ) . He is a member of the family in my life the best . As a teacher . he taught things about life in a broad sense . Indicates that the world is more ...

Spekta Band Mencari Gitaris (Has Found)

We are looking for a guitarist of spectacular management to become our permanent personnel , provided that: 1 . Age below 27 years 2 . Understand music theory 3 . Not being in a contract with management or other record label 4 . Understand about the guitar 5 . Personality fun and easy to work with 6 . Domicile Jabodetabek If anyone is interested contact Antonio (0897-822-3303) / Amy ( 021-60260460 ) . Has found. And there is his picture. Daniel Santoso

About Studio Music Room

Spekta Music Studio I 've just made ​​a music studio in the area " Oil 2 " ... I visited the good acoustics of Foreign Affairs but he lived in Indonesia .. Then he said, the studio very severe . All theories about rockwool it can muffle the sound , that 's sucks ( aka not entirely true ) ... Actually with a solid wall was also able to muffle the sound . Then, in terms of door should also be of solid wood with a thickness of about 5cm which was also given a rubber such as a refrigerator door , then given ( I forget the name of the appliance ) that above the door , which can shut itself Ntar door . It is also already quite ... need not be given a rug , or gypsum ... Then the glass for the operator space and studio space should be a really thick .... But anyway ... we still have to compile spatial acoustics of the room ... In order not to have ...

My pictures when perform at PRJ in 2006


My Brother

Do you want to see me with my brothers? Here there:

Me with Friday Before Saturday

One of band from UKM Band Binus that's I've played with

Me with Sok Metal Band - Bujangan

New Project, New Studio, New Life .....

Here's my newest project ... : 1 . " Teman Seperjuangan " Project Reno Hartarto and 9 with a solo vocalist who made ​​the compilation . Project is pretty impressive .... because in this project I end up practicing the science of music I and my music experience ... It goes on next post .. 2 . Jinggle B - TV : Project to create a sound briging and jinggle to Binus TV ... the new project is the first time I did ... hopefully from here I get a lot of jobs AMIIIN ... 3 . Renoss Spekta Production : Joint Reno too , but I added one more friend of former guitarist Spekta ... Indra . This one I finished Event Organizer for companies who want to launch new products with how interesting .. In addition to my projects above , I have also opened a new business that is Spekta Studio . please see the link on FB : This may be a business forever ... AMIIII...

Inversi (Music)

In composing or arranging sometimes we are often stuck in forming the chord . There are actually many ways that a chord can have different shades .... one of them with inversion . Inversion is to move the tone in a chord ( note the 2nd ( 3rd in scale ) or the tone of the 3rd ( 5th in scale ) ) . Up one octave or down an octave . Sometimes it works to build a different nuance . Here an example of inversion : C major Consisting of the first tone C ( root ) , the second tone E ( 3rd ) , and the third tone G ( 5th ) . Its simple : C E G If we inversion becomes : Root : C E G writing : First inversion : E G C C / E Second inversion : G C E C / G So we can memmiliki different shades . I take the example like this : For example we have a chord change from Dminor - Cmajor - Fmajor . We can make C major with the first inversion . Become Dm - C / E - F...

New Post!!!!

It has long been not blogging . Confused I want to post anything . Hmmmmmm ...... story of my life just current times : Thank God I live now is almost perfect . Thanx God for everything . I finally found someone special for me . His name Ernita . Girl who I really love until now . She's actually my friend in 22 junior high school . Here a picture : When junior high , I do not think he's going going to be my lover ( in a time of SMP I often make fun of him ) . Hahahaha . But I thank God for her to be my girlfriend now . Hopefully this can be forever . AMIIIIIN Then apart from that, so far I was busy with a project with my friend RENO Hartarto ( an operator 's most spectacular in Jakarta ) . Project name teman seperjuangan . It contained nine solo vocalist to be a compilation with a different character . Very exciting .... I became one aranger an...