Picture of me

This is a picture of me painted by "Gilang Pandeka". He described me as being tangled, numerous affairs, and sometimes difficult to predict.

Gilang Pandeka is an artist, friend, brother (though sometimes often frustrating), and teachers. As an artist, he provides unique works, and have character. He paints in accordance with what was described by his mind, not by his eyes. So the paintings are original. The colors, the pull of the line, and the idea is brilliant.

As a friend, he was very concerned friend. He always reminds me to do good things. To go back to college, pursue, and so forth.

As a brother, he showed that being older is a difficult thing (I was the last brother in my family). He is a member of the family in my life the best.

As a teacher. he taught things about life in a broad sense. Indicates that the world is more than you imagine.

And here is my painting:


Spekta Management mengatakan…
Thanx a lot Gilang Pandeka.. X3Mist.. http://www.spektamanagement.co.cc